Should I Hire a Divorce Therapist During Divorce?

Divorce Counseling

Oftentimes, before a couple starts considering hiring attorneys, they consult a marital counselor. Divorce counseling, on the other hand, occurs when the marriage just isn’t salvageable and the decision to dissolve the marriage has already been made. There are benefits to this kind of therapy as it can help mend certain areas in the relationship, making an amicable divorce much more achievable.

When the road to divorce becomes riddled with hostility and broken communications, a therapist could help smooth the process out. Counseling also opens the door for more effective communications to happen, allowing couples to finally discuss topics that they previously had trouble addressing. There are also counselors who specialize in children of divorce who are struggling with coming to terms with their parents’ separation.

If any of these situations describe your divorce experience, you may want to consider consulting a therapist. Common scenarios for divorce counseling include:

  • Couples who are attempting to live together while the divorce is underway
  • Couples with children who are worried about how their separation is affecting their children
  • Couples who spend much of their time together arguing
  • Couples who seek mediation to improve communications
  • Couples who do not both want the divorce

At Shah & Kishore, we strive to make the divorce process as amicable as possible. Sometimes, divorce counseling may be the best route to make sure that happens, encouraging couples to move on in a healthy and productive manner. If you are unsure of your options during a divorce, Shah & Kishore can help.