Helpful Resources

There are many legal issues to consider when it comes to divorce in the State of Maryland, beginning with whether to file for an absolute or limited divorce. It is key to understand the difference between an absolute divorce and limited divorce.

You and your spouse will have to divide up your property, which may consist of such things as your home, furnishings, and vehicles. The issues surrounding the division of marital property can get complicated, and our firm’s expertise can help in finding a solution for you. Other issues that may require resolution are child custody and support, and a possible alimony claim raised by either spouse.

Our Maryland family law attorney will work closely with you to assess your case in detail. Then, we will carefully choose the best suited dispute resolution option for your situation, such as mediation, collaboration, or litigation.

With so many variables, we created this Helpful Resources section so you may educate yourself on the issues. As your advocate during the divorce process, we will not only work on solutions that are fair to you, but we will keep you up-to-date every step of the way. Additional information can be found in the links to the right.

Call (301) 315-0001 if you would like to speak to a family law attorney at Shah & Kishore for more information.