Child Custody Agreements Involving Special Needs Kids: What to Take into Account

child custody

Deciding on a child custody arrangement in any case is challenging enough, but it becomes increasingly complicated when that process involves the well-being of a child with special needs. Here are some factors to take into account when determining which parent should maintain custody of the child in question:

  • How open are the communication channels between parents?
  • Who has the best access to resources for the child’s care?
  • Is the child comfortable in their current home or school?
  • Can the child easily adjust to a new living arrangement or school environment?
  • Is the child’s medical care readily available?
  • Which parent’s schedule better fits the child’s needs?

First and foremost, it’s critical for parents to understand their child’s disability or condition fully. This can include doing their own extensive research, speaking to their child about his or her needs, speaking to health care providers, or consulting school officials. Taking care of a child with special needs can be very demanding, especially for parents with busy schedules. So, it’s best to take all of this into account before determining any custody arrangements.

If you are a parent seeking custody of your child, Shah & Kishore is happy to help. During any custody proceeding, we keep the child’s best interest in mind, fighting to ensure they have a safe and happy future.