What is a Mutual Consent Divorce?

“Divorce” and “easy” are usually not two words that you see together. A divorce can be a very time-consuming, stressful and expensive process, and none of those words are typically associated with ease. Between filling out paperwork, spending time in court, looking for another place to stay while separate, and more, divorce comes with many…

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To Prenup or Not to Prenup?

The celebrity power couple is a staple of the Hollywood lifestyle, and those who can survive all the rumors, paparazzi, scandals, and overall privacy invasion will have a chance to pursue a healthy and thriving relationship. However, celebrities face a lot of pressure to date and then marry, and sometimes such pressure rushes couples into…

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3 Ways To Regain Power In Your Divorce

“Having power” means you have the ability to control and create positive change in your life. It also means you understand and accept what you want and how to go after it. Divorce can be one of the biggest tests of your power, leaving you tired, sometimes desperate, and lacking the energy to fight the…

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Your Approach Makes A Difference

Divorce is not typically viewed as a happy period in life, whether a couple is splitting amicably or engaged in a bitter feud. If approached the right way, going through a divorce, while difficult, can bring opportunity to cultivate a new and different relationship moving forward. Here are five tips to help make your divorce…

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Three Important Steps to A “Happy” Divorce

Happy and divorce. They’re not two words that people think of together. After all, going through a divorce is an emotional time that can be filled with a sense of loss, regret, and grief. For some couples, divorce is also a contentious time that includes fighting and ugliness. But for others, the decision to divorce…

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Tax Breaks for the Newly Divorced

The coming month can be difficult on many fronts, and for couples going through divorce, tax season can be particularly difficult – both emotionally and financially. However, it takes careful planning to avoid costly mistakes when it comes to taxes. Here are a few areas to remember:

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Divorce and Filing Taxes

Warmer days, buds and blossoms are all signs that spring is here. And now that April is upon us, our thoughts also turn to tax season and the looming deadline this year of April 18th. Filing taxes can be tricky enough for married couples, but for couples that are separated or divorced, it can become…

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