Secrets To A Happy Marriage

We’ve all heard that “love makes the world go ’round”, but the history of marriage says otherwise. Today, it’s hard to imagine a marriage not based on love, but historically, marriages were more of an economic and political arrangement and love was not even part of the equation. According to the book “Marriage, a History:…

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Anticipation Abounds!

As I write this, it’s the morning after the U of MD vs Georgetown basketball game – a rivalry rekindled after many years of not playing each other. I was at the game last night, being an avid fan of basketball in general and of Maryland in particular. I graduated from MD in the late…

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Upcoming Changes to Social Security Benefits

At the beginning of November, President Obama signed into law some sweeping changes regarding Social Security benefits, marking the most significant reforms since 1983. As part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, the new laws were intended to prevent a government shutdown, but they will also end popular Social Security claiming strategies for couples…

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Travel Tip: Quebec City

I recently traveled with my family to the capital of the Quebec province and found that it lives up to its reputation as the crown jewel of French Canada. Quebec City is one of the oldest European settlements in North America and indeed it has that European flare. The city is very walkable and safe….

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Various Types of Child Custody in Maryland

Determining child custody is a difficult decision whether it’s due to divorce or as a result of some other type of relationship. Under Maryland law, neither the mother nor father is favored for custody, and both parents are the presumed custodians of their children. This can pose challenges when grandparents or other caregivers seek custody…

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Four Reasons Why Divorce is Not a Failure

No one gets married with the intent on someday getting divorced. But divorces do happen and it’s important not to think of your marriage as a failure. By coming to terms with the reasons behind a divorce and focusing on the positive experiences that came from the marriage, it can lead to acceptance and make…

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